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Re: I would have to agree with Drac on one thing . . . (Fri May 2 06:57:31 2003 )
Star Phoenix [View profile ]

I don't think you should contact the seller about
this.  I think what may also be a problem is that
you seem to be still attached to those cels and it
irritates you that she is selling it at a much
higher price than what she paid you for.  While I
also get highly irritated when I see prices being
jacked up, but it is also one major reason why
people have interest in buying cels.  For their

To be honest, there are lots of cels that I REALLY
like even more because of their value and rarity
(of course I bought them because I think they're
awesome, but being rare and valuable adds even
more to the joy!).  This is just the way things
are.  I think you should definitely not let it
bother you.

Star Phoenix

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