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Re: cel auction : ethics question? (what would you do?) (Fri May 2 04:53:23 2003 )
Jason_the_Great [View profile ]


It's never good to lie about cels your selling. 
So thats unethical, but since they are no longer 
yours I guess they can sell them forever how 
much they think they can get for them. If its 
priced so ridiculous they wont sell and maybe 
you can really buy them for what she actually 
paid for them. I would try and email the seller 
adn tell them how you feel without sounding 
upset and see if you can work out a deal if they 
dont sell. Unfortunately you probably shouldnt 
have sold them to someone if you really couldnt 
part with them in the end, but I know whats its 
like to be poor.

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