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Re: Re: collection / monitary value of rilezu (post production) cels??? (Tue Jul 29 03:58:24 2003 )
Stephen Saito [View profile ]


I am lucky enough to be helping out Madoka Ltd and
Delta Ltd so I will attempt to explain a few things.

First of all I fully understand that some cel collectors are
not interested in rilezu cels.

A few points.

1) Now cels are no longer being produced many of you
will collect Genga and Douga. What will you collect when
Genga and Douga are no longer used in the Anime making
process ? Yes that is right 100 percent CG anime is coming
soon ! So No Genga No Douga and definitely no Cels.

2) The price. Yes some of them are a little expensive and
some are priced around the 10,000 yen mark, I have seen
people pay close to that price for some fan cels.

Production costs and royalties

Trust me you don't want to know the price some studio
charge to _find_ the Douga used to make the cel and then
there are royalties which aren't exactly cheap.

But I don't want to really defend the pricing of the cels
here. I believe the pricing is fair given the amount of
time that goes into making the cel and you will notice some
titles are more expensive than others.

3) Fan Cel

Sadly calling them fan cels really gets to me. Yes time and
effort does go into making a Fan Cel, But Fan Cel makers
don't have to deal with the paper work to get the cels to
you. Fan Cels maker don't have to deal with the Nitty
Gritty licensing issues, all they have to do is paint and
there work doesn't come close to the level of rilezu cels.
Madoka has staff with 20 plus years of painting cels, and
let me tell you those people are good at what they do.

4) The Douga.

At the present time Rilezu cels which came with a douga
actually come with a Clean Up Douga. A Clean Up Douga
is made because the trace machine could not make the
trace lines on the cel from the original douga.

Series without Clean Up Douga do not come with one
because trace lines were done from the original douga.

Why can't we include the douga ? licensing issues, difficult
to explain here but we are hoping in future rilezu cels we
can include the original douga while the studio's are still
using them.

5) Some other points.

a) Before the cels are sold the copyright holder checks all
the cels and if they are not happy with a cel they order a

b) Overseas Sales, I would love to be able to sell the cels
direct to overseas but once again licensing issues stop me
from doing this.

c) Yes the cels are produced for resale and because of this
they are made to last. Lines which do not fade

d) http://rilezu.com is my domain, For people interested I
will be added more information for rilezu cels

Stephen Saito

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