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A very CALM Sawa.... and about those cameras.. (Thu Jul 31 02:34:00 2003 )
zerospace [View profile ]

All I can say is THAT sucks! My past 
university's security was a JOKE, however.. I 
currently am an emergency dispatcher for an 
amusement park security department... and... we 
have cameras all over our park, and believe it 
or not -- they're expensive as hell to put in -- 
and since they're outdoors they're often 
subjected to weather that makes them... well, 
function quite poorly, to the point of being 
damn near useless.  So, perhaps your school just 
can't afford cameras (although if it's anything 
like mine & sucks its students dry for $$.. 
you'd think they could afford it, but they're 
too busy paying those huge professor's salaries).

Anyway, here's a very calm image of Sawa from 
Kite to soothe your soul:


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