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Re: Cameras are a waste of money... NOT REALLY . . (Thu Jul 31 02:57:07 2003 )
Star Phoenix [View profile ]

As soon as my bike got stolen, I requested to see
the camera footage because that way they can
identify the person(s) involved and the police
would have a good chance at tracking them down
(this is how they track down people who rob
convenience stores and I can assure you they
weren't wearing a ski mask when they took my bike

Even though security cameras may not prevent a
crime from happening, but they can catch the
people who did the crime and stop them from doing
more.  And what really disturbs me was I placed my
bike DIRECTLY in front of the mall on the campus.
 Now what kind of mall/dorm who has 4000+ students
living in it does not have security cameras on
their main enterance??  I am glad I am not living

Star Phoenix

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