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I AM PYST!!!!!!!!! And SHOW ME something that will calm me down!! (Wed Jul 30 23:43:29 2003 )
Star Phoenix [View profile ]

I am right now FURIOUS!!  Somebody stole my $300
while I was attending college classes.  My bike
was changed down with REALLY strong wires on a
bolted bike stand right on the mall (this is the
mall right under a huge dorm on campus where some
classes are being held)!

Some MORON took it apart and ran off with all my
shock absorbers, my really expensive seat, and
everything else they could.  And get this, this
happened during the day while EVERYONE was out. 
Now what really boggles my mind is how on earth
could people just see someone taking a bike apart
and walk on by as if they never noticed anything
And another GET THIS!  The mall has no security
cameras.  I mean COME ON!  With the heightened
terror alert, Universities are being advised to
take extra percaution and they don't even have
Servellance cameras next to the mall!?  I mean
ANYONE can just roll up with a bomb and go undetected!
And what is worse, they REFUSE to take
responsiblity for the theft even though it was on
their property.
So, this has cost me more than $100 to repair with
no insurance that it will not happen again.

Okay . . . thank you all for being patient with me
and letting me vent.  Nobody seems to listen over
So please SHOW ME cels/dougas/gengas that makes
you REALLY happy.  Cels that you got an awesome
deal on (doesn't necessarily have to be monetary
value, but sentimental value as well).  Or even
cels that makes you calm when looking at it.

I know I have shown this before, but it makes me
very happy seeing it because it has a lot of
sentimental value and it calms me down just
looking at his super calm face.

Star Phoenix

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