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Re: Re: Re: olivier gilbert?? sounds like a lying thief and a deadbeat! Blacklist! (Thu Oct 23 22:28:23 2003 )
Tralfaz [View profile ]

For what it's worth, I bought something from him 
on eBay and never received it.  I reported him 
to eBay after dealing with his excuses for three 
months.  They suspended his account.  I still 
haven't received my cel or a refund. You can 
check the feedback here:

I've *tried* to be nice about it, but it's plain 
to see that he is unwilling to resolve the 
matter.  If he would simply make the situation 
right, I would gladly forgive all the bad that 
has happened.  Still, even though I have lost 
almost all hope of a happy ending, I will 
continue to pursue the matter for as long as it 

Frankly, Yann should pull this guy's website 
from the Keep-Track.  I've dealt with nearly 
every seller on those lists and have never had 
the sort of trouble I've had with Olivier 
Gilbert/Animation Master.

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