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Re: olivier gilbert?? Is this person hard to catch up with? (Thu Oct 23 05:47:31 2003 )
Goldknight [View profile ]

I dealt with him a couple of months ago and had 
no problems.  At the time he had e-mailed me 
with a cel that he had for sale and I asked what 
kind of payments he took.  He replied that he no 
longer took paypal and wanted an IPMO.  I then 
suggested a wire transfer.  I too had heard some 
horror stories about him and maybe ONE good 
story, but I was also one of those that just HAD 
to have a wishlist cel for a good price.  I took 
the chance and kept e-mailing him begging not to 
cheat me like I had been hearing.  He was quick 
to reply and ease my worries and I received my 
cel in two days via Fed Ex.  I directed him to 
this forum and mentioned that there were people 
trying to reach him so that they could rectify 
things, but I guess he never checked it out.  

I'm not sure why some people have issues and 
others do not.  It's strange.  But after reading 
constant threads about him like this I realize 
how lucky I was and I'd rather not press my luck 
again.  ^_^;;  I just hope another nice cel 
doesn't come up.  EEP

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