And this opinion is coming from someone who truly
likes Disney. The problem is that Disney's really
fantastic stuff was all done when Walt was around.
Pretty much all that's been done since his death
is copying the things he did.
Don't get me wrong. . . Anime has it's own cliches
and repeated themes that you see again and again
to infinity. But Disney's have started to really
hit viewers over the head with them and, unlike
in anime, there isn't enough there other than the
cliches to hold things together.
In the end, there are two crowds. The one that
wants to see the same story remade over and over
again. . . and the one that can enjoy a creative
rewrite of a classic, but prefers to see something
new. Unfortunately, neurotic parents have made it
so the only "safe" way to market to kids in the
US is to treat them like the first crowd. Disney
exists to play it safe now.
Many Sharp Smiles,