Drac couldn't have said it better.
I'm also on the other end of the debate; I've
spent a lot of time creating my images and I'd
prefer for them not to be used. However, not
that I would mind them being used in image
galleries, I just have the fear of fancels or my
bigger concern, someone swiping the image and
claiming the cel as their own. At least with
fancels, I can have the benefit of the doubt. ^^;;
However, I do not have a problem with my images
being used on a private, personal use. I have
from time to time saved images on my desktop of
cels I've really enjoyed viewing. I would never
post them online or use them in anyway where
someone might be upset. I just like looking at
them ::blush:: . I'm sure a lot can relate.
This is why I've kept the image theft option
off. If someone wishes to save the image to
their computer, I'm fine with it, just as long as
they respect my wishes.
Also, there shouldn't be *any* logical reason why
someone should be upset with what you said. You
are definitely entitled to your own opinion,
including stating it. Plus, you said it in a
very kind and mature manner and never once bashed
any opposing thoughts. Disagreement with your
statement, sure, but not anger. ^_~ |