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Forgiven ;) But I agree with you.. (Wed Mar 3 06:12:07 2004 )
gabriel [View profile ]

I turned off the image protection feature as 
soon as I found out how to do it. Pretty much 
for the same reason that I don't watermark my 
scans either - I like to present the best 
possible image. I don't worry about 
someone "stealing" my scans - people have used 
some of my scans for avatars and all sorts of 
other things, doesn't bother me a bit. Actually, 
its kind of complementary, means someone 
actually took the time to look at all the stuff 
I posted. As long as they aren't trying to 
misrepresent the true ownership of the cels in 
question, I don't have a problem with it. If I 
did, I never would have made a public cel 
gallery in the first place. 

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