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Re: Does anyone out there really LOVE their scanner? (Wed Mar 31 03:02:13 2004 )
Cel Addict (nli) [View profile ]


 Hi Evil ^_^

 I have an Epson Perfection 1250 and I LOVE IT!!! 
There are some many options such as scan to web, 
scan to disk, scan negatives, it even comes with 
a little do-hicky for that, and there are many 
more options. All of my scans are directly from 
the scanner, none of them are touched up with any 
programs. I only use PaintShop Pro 6 or 7 to 
rotate and crop the images. I don't know how much 
this scanner costs. I received it for a gift 
*gosh* probably about two years ago. I have never 
scanned anything with pink but plenty of red. 
below is a sample of an image with red.

 Take Care,

 Cel Addict

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