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Subject: Awww. . . I don't know. . . ^_~ (Thu May 16 06:15:41 2002 )
Author: Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile]
E-mail : drac@attbi.com

I think it's a riot to see some of these cels 
which will never be happily incorporated into 
*anyone's* collection. ^_^;;

I mean, did you know that if you look at the 
Slayers butt cel late enough at night when you've 
had too much Code Red to drink, it actually looks 
like a dragonfly?!  @_o

Go ahead. . . Try looking at it again after 
reading that! ^___^   (Is it even still up there?)

Too bad there's no one willing to make a 
collection of "just try to guess what it is!" 
junk cels. (*laughing*)

Many Sharp Smiles,

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