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"My Animanga" registration

Account information
Do you want an email account ? Yes / No
(nickname@cels.org, @animanga.org, @animail.org...)

Personal Information (*)
Your full name
State ZIP
If you want to use our on-line auction, it's important you put your correct email.
May other users see those informations ? Yes / No

Public Information (**)
Your URL
(Put the "http://". Ie: http://www.tenchi.com)
Your description

Chat Profile :

Privacy statement
(*) The information you are providing us are strictly confidential and they won't be imparted to anybody else. We collect those information in case we need to contact you about your account or if you need a new password if you lost yours.

If you answer "yes" to "May other users see those information ?", other registered users will be able to look at those informations from our website when accessing your on-line profile.

As your account may be used for Animanga Auction and webmail, we may refuse your registration if the information provided aren't accurate.

(**) Those informations (your nickname, website URL and description) can be viewed by other registered users when accessing your on-line profile

Copyright ©2000 Yann Stettler and CohProg Sarl. All rights reserved. Privacy statement