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Subject: I agree with Keys... (Wed May 15 22:04:24 2002 )
Author: Misha [View profile]
E-mail : otakugrl22@aol.com

...that it's mainly the insertion fees. I think 
if it were just due to CG anime, then we would 
have seen more of a hint of drop-off by now than 
a sudden dip. It's going to take a looong time 
for the cel reserves to dry up...I mean, think of 
the sheer statistics. Think of the numbers of 
cels used in an episode, the number of episodes 
in a series...the numbers are boggling. When A-
type shots run out, collectors will move to B-
shots and so on...I have no doubt every cel will 
be used, as when the cel well dries up even junky 
cels will have value. I seriously doubt this will 
happen anytime soon.


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