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I have a solution, if there is an interest (Mon Jun 25 02:08:44 2001 )
-blair- (nli) [View profile ]

I run a few mailing lists, have for a few years. 
My ML's have always been very open, "discuss what 
you want" type places, and because of it, people 
have had the opportunity to become friends as well 
as just exchange info. My philosophy is that we 
are drawn together by a common interest, but there 
is SO much more to all of us than just this one 
interest, and it can make for great discussion.
Would anyone be interested in a mailing list that 
is mostly about cel collecting, but also would 
allow you to openly discuss anime you like, talk 
about what's eating you, etc, completely freely? 
If I get enough interest, I'd be glad to set a 
list up. Please don't state your opinions here, as 
it's off-topic, etc. just shoot me an email at 
blair@blair-o-rama.com . No one would be excluded, 
everyone would be allowed, and discussion would be 
entirely open and free. Anyway, it's just an idea, 
let me know.

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