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I agree... (Mon Jun 25 00:56:07 2001 )
Misha-chan [View profile ]


I definitely agree...people were syaing she 
involved her feelings too much. I'm sorry, I 
guess I'm a bit too liberal, but this is STILL a 
pbulic forum, right? Where people come together 
to share, have fun, and dicuss things? Where 
people come to be PEOPLE? And am I wrong in 
thinking eomtion is an integral part of that? If 
all we did was act like proffesionals, this would 
be no more than a forum for businesses to sell 
cels on. Think about the definition of the 
word "forum" for a second, people...if she cannot 
have emotions here, to the people she THOUGHT 
were friends, where can she?! People have 
emotions and act on them every day, so to attack 
her, that one person, for it, when YOU have done 
the same thing...

You have no right to judge.

On another note...I did not know it was Debbye 
until someone said something. I wasn't familiar 
with the auction at all, and I cruise the Tasuki 
auctions. I recognized the e-mail, but vaguely. 
Take that and stick it up your "but everyone 
knows Debbye!" mentality!

Not to say that you're not a wonderful person, 
Debbye. I know you are, just as I know Avery is. 
And I can understand both of your viewpoints. In 
fact, I don't blame this on either of you.

I blame this on the other people (if you could 
even CALL tham that) on this forum. THEY are the 
one who carried this on...you two took it to 
private e-mail and handled it there. I've said it 
once and I'll say it again...my friends treat the 
people they HATE better than you treat 
your "friends". I think, when this type of thing 
happens, that one should intrinsically examine 
the kind of atmosphere that allows this to 

Yes, this would have been BETTER had it all been 
handled through e-mail. But just because 
something can be better doesn't mean it's wrong. 
We do not have to burn people at the stake here 
as if they were Joan of Arc. I think, if this 
sort of thing is going to happen, then we should 
keep our opinions to ourselves and stay in our 
own business, and if we do have something to say, 
handle it through e-mail to the person it 
concerns rather than roasting them for public 
exhibition. Says the girl who just ranted.

If worse come to worse, remember what your mother 
always said:

If you can't say anything nice...

Say it with me now, children....

Don't say anything at all.

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