Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: Hey Avery, I think we should start a club for you and I! (Mon Jun 25 01:50:17 2001
Yann Stettler [View profile
> I trust you saw my new site that Japester
> made for me?
I don't remember who said : "love me or hate
me. But don't ignore me". (or something like
that. Don't remember the exact quote)
So you should be happy : someone went to all
the trouble to make a webpage just for you.
By the way, don't tell me that you really
expect positive reaction to a mail like this
one. From me ? (as admin of the _cels_ forum
and not the reader's letters section of your
local newspaper). From the other readers ?
(who are probably not here to read about your
life and all that self whining)
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