Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: Bewildered by you more every day :?/ (Mon Jun 25 18:17:31 2001
Stephen Saito [View profile
>I think Taro is going to ban as well, for
>talking about their prices a while back,
>unless I can come up with a good
>enough appology soon.
Shawnna I didn't say any thing about banning
you and If I was going to ban you I wouldn't
have processed your order today :)
Basiclly you can talk about my prices all you
want but IMO you went over board when
stated things with no facts to back them up.
As all this was said in private email I really do
what to talk about this on the fourm _which_
maybe the point to all your problems.
I will leave it there as I am dead tired.
Hope you can make head and tail of this
only 9 hours sleep since Friday :O
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