I don`t give a damn about losing an auction and
keeping money in my pocket, are you crazy? I
don`t have to be there in the first place. I am
just having fun. Sometimes I drive up the price
on purpose on BUSTAKEI just for revenge, I am not
even interested after a point- OOPS! Oh, did I
make you fools pay more!! I didn`t know that
there were a collecive group of you idiots using
this service. HAHAHA. Thanks for flaming me
online, now watch me flame your collective pocket
books from Japan. I am not a dope on drugs. All I
said was that this BUSTAKEI had big pockets and
to watch out for this fool. Who is the fool now?
The price of all DBZ has just gone up!!Good luck
with Celga and YahooJP and happy bidding! I don`t
have to sleep it is prime time for me!!! Keep
those eyelids open boys and girls..... |