You know `drac` thanks for understanding, and you
are right about the misunderstanding. I live in
Japan so I haven`t and I will never have to use
Celga`s services thank God for that. I could
actually charge less than Celga and people would
not have to worry about all of the surcharges.
`eric-n-japan` is my name for this posting. I
have auction accounts both in the USA and Japan
Yahoo! and eBay. I also have other off-line
connections. Nothing hidden nothing obscure. But
flame`s alright cause I will get
everything cheaper in the end anyway. Instead of
making friends, many are making enemies with
possible allies in this cel collecting business.
It`s too bad no one bothered to ask if I could
help them purchase cels here in Japan without
getting (reamed) abused along the way, but I
guess they were too busy gloating. Like I said
Drac. thanks maybe we should get together and go
`discount shopping` over here. Or if you`re not
in Japan leave your e-mail and I`ll see what I
can do!!
E. |