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Re: Thanks Dad! *snort* (Wed May 9 04:39:06 2001 )

If you are going to make comments like that, you 
should post who you are or no one is going to 
believe you or even listen to you. 

In regards to my tone, who really cares. I 
thought I was being as logical as could be when 
looking at the proposal from a sceptical view. But 
the tone really doesn't matter. What really 
matters is the information I posted which I 
thought people should consider before going ahead 
with any deal with this person.

While you may have a great deal of online 
experience, a number of people on this forum are 
relative new to cel collecting or to e-commerce 
and it was these people I was really try to warn.

In regards to my last e-mail, I just was providing 
the necessary conditions which I would require in 
order for me to appologize and admit that I acted 
hastily in questioning the validity of the 
service. Until those conditions are satisified, I 
feel I am justified in posting what I did. 
Moreover, I feel anyone who wants to do a 
transaction with them should have the answers to 
those questions. They are basic questions of 
e-commerce when dealing with someone you have not 
done a transaction with before.

Just to re-iterate them:

1.  Who are you?
2.  What exactly are the conditions of the 
contract that I am entering into.
3.  What security do you offer to insure that you 
will complete the contract (the only 
acceptable answers are references, reputation, 
money, or property).

If the answer to these three questions is not 
satisfactory to you, then no deal should ever be 
made regardless of the situation. I wish you much 
luck, becuase you are going to need it, if you 
have been doing e-commerce transactions without 
having good answers to these three questions.

In regards to being a celga plant, I have used 
their service occassionally. However, they are not 
my primary means of getting cels. I have found 
them to be nice people. What I did find weird was 
how atypical a number of the posts were in this 
tread. In fact, that was the first reason I 
started questing the proposal and started checking 
on the ident of hello kitty. I really wish Yann 
was back so we can get some confirmation on the 
idents of who has been posting in these treads. I 
do not think some of post on this tread are 

Marcus (who is very glad his use name is 

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