I see the two as non conflicting.
Most people avoid purchasing cels below the
10,000 mark through a deputy service
because it just doesn't make any sense.
Most cels that are below 10,000 yen are
available through dealer sites for less than
what it would cost to purchase through a
deputy service on yahoo japan. (exception is
lesser known cels). Cels that fall in the
10,000 yen range usually are more common
cels...easier to find and a lot of times...its not
what people look for when they go to YJ.
In fact...I think this would help drive up the
prices on YJ. Sometimes, I see a cel that is
rather cheap...say 2,000 yen that I *would* buy
for as much as say 5,000 yen...but since
deputy cost would add $10(deputy)
$8(transfer), that's already $18...not to mention
the shipping from seller (roughly $10). So if I
want to *spend* $50 max on the cel...I can only
place the bid of 2,000 yen...instead of the
5,000 yen I would if the deputy cost was only
Anyway...I don't really see this hurting celga as
people use celga for the higher end
cels...dream cels...which are usually way over
the 10,000 yen mark (10,000 yens is only
some $80). If only dream cels were that
joyka |