I dunno, but lots of illegal things get sold on
Ebay everyday, like some of those...gah, can't
spell it, those comics done by fans and people
love to buy. It sounds like Doushi-something.
Those are illegal to sell, but it is done
anyway...guess like if you make anything fan-
based, you can't sell it-I think...dunno how much
I'm right or wrong, because the cold took my
brain away-but read it once on a fan site a while
back... Dunno if fan cels are legal to sell, but
people draw things and sell their drawings. I
don't think that can be done either. Like taking
something of another character and painting it
and then selling it. I've heard of cases like
involving Disney of people doing that and Disney
sueing. I dunno. I've seen fan cels on Ebay, but
then again, it seems a lot of things get sold on
Ebay that might not be legal, but it's tolerated
and allowed. *shrugs* Maybe a lawyer or someone
knowing this could answer that, but that's my
take or thoughts on it. ^_^ |