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Re: Re: I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Tue Jun 6 22:08:10 2000 )

I agree with whoever the anynoumous (SP?) person is...
I TOTALLY WANTED THAT CEL!  But I would never want to pay 150 for it..
I think the person who is selling it is a total rip-off...
the original price for it was $30 and to sell it for that much
is absolutely rediculous ...WHO CARES iF THATS HOW MUCH HES MAKING OFF
He probably doesnt even like the show and saw a chance to make some money off of someone who does care to KEEP A CEL
LONGER THAN a MONTH!!!! Twenty bucks say you also bought the other one that
ws there too so you could sell it at a later date..

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