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Re: I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Tue Jun 6 21:37:45 2000 )
Ben Lang


Well Mr. anonymous what's the problem with making some money on a cel. He put it up for the price he would like to get for it. If someone wants it they'll bid on it if not they won't. How is his selling a cel he got for cheap on ebay different from any of the cel stores selling their cels on ebay or on their site. You don't really think that they're not making a profit on their cels. Most cels get around a 50-100% markup from when they leave japan. Personally I've had a cel that I paid $50 for go for $200 on ebay. I didn't ask for that much but I certainly didn't turn down the money. The cel he's selling is a really nice cel. It's actually worth the price he's asking IMHO. He got a steal at $30 if that's the price he got it for.
Ben Lang

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