Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: Ok, here's the thing, Guys. (Sat Jul 29 09:06:46 2000
Oh, yes! I know what you mean! Antique collecting
is like the total same way as Cel collecting. I
collect antiques from Estate Sales (just like
buying cels from a cheap cel shop) and then I
decide if, I want sell them or keep them. It's
all that easy. For the argueing part, I really
don't see why people are complaing for. Cel prices
are going up, so what? For ex: Star Wars (in the
collecters market) went sky rocketing when Star
Wars Eps. 1 came out. Right now the Star Wars
collectibles are cooling off. And this is all
called "Supply and Demand."
My last thing to say is lets say some one flames
you for something you said...... DON'T REPLY
TO THE FLAME!!!!! Thats what the flameing person
wants you to do! So the person who flamed will be
be left with nothing and will be the one who looks
like a fool. Easy as that. :)
Just my 2 cent. |
Message thread :
- Ok, here's the thing, Guys. - Just A Cel Collector (Jul 29 00:25)
- Re: Ok, here's the thing, Guys. - wndrkn (Jul 29 01:10)
- Re: Ok, here's the thing, Guys. - Yann Stettler (Jul 29 05:30)
- Re: Ok, here's the thing, Guys. - (Jul 29 08:08)
- Re: Ok, here's the thing, Guys. - (Jul 29 09:12)
- Re: Ok, here's the thing, Guys. - vi (Jul 30 11:45)
- My thoughts, part 1 - mAJOR eRROR (Jul 30 14:33)