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Ok, here's the thing, Guys. (Sat Jul 29 00:25:13 2000
Just A Cel Collector
After much debate with myself, I have decided not
to use my name in this post.
I rarely post here, and I imagine nobody would
know me anyway! But, there is a reason I rarely
post and that is that when I do there is
inevitably someone who flames me as well as
someone who agrees with me. It is disheartening to
see how cel collectors can be cruel so easily,
mostly because of the anonymity of this forum.
I don't think most cel collectors really realize
how we (I will say "we" because I am guilty of
these feelings as well) sound and how other people
perceive us when we react to dealers prices or
people selling their own cels for a profit. If we
did, we might realize how hypocritical we look.
Here's an honest question:
How many of you have wished you could come upon a
pile of really cheap, sought after cels that you
could make profit on? Especially when a certain
character becomes popular, how many people say to
themselves that they wish they had a bunch of cels
of that character to sell? If you are a cel
collector, I think you have probably thought of it
many times!! There is NOTHING wrong with that. And
there is nothing wrong with making a profit. If
there was, we would still be trading shells
for furs. People have a right to make money, but
if you are a cel collector it seems that only YOU
have a right to do so, not the 'other guy'.
We cel collectors seem to want to police our hobby
now to the point where we really seem to not
realize how ridiculous we seem, and how hurtful it
is. If a cel dealer goes out and finds a cel that
they know is beautiful and will be adored by it's
new owner, I imagine they are really excited to
offer it. But too often they are chastised for
selling the cel for the price they put on it. How
is that for shooting ourselves in the foot?
And if someone buys a cel at a bargain price, and
chooses to sell it to make some cash to maybe buy
their dream cel, or just some more cels to keep
themselves enjoying their hobby, they are ripping
us off. They are selfish jerks who don't realize
they are destroying OUR hobby. But, we are
hypocrites, because every one of us would choose
to make more money than we paid for a cel if we
could when it was time to let it go.
I think we have to stop trying to make the other
people in this hobby conform to a standard that we
wouldn't conform to ourselves. Let people offer
cels for whatever price they choose, no matter
where they get them or how. It is ruining our fun
to try to second guess other people's morals and
ethics. It is time to start thinking of our own
and how we want to be perceived. We would all have
a lot more fun if we let go of all this
reproachfulness and were happy for each other
What do you think?
Just A Cel Collector |
Message thread :
- Ok, here's the thing, Guys. - Just A Cel Collector (Jul 29 00:25)
- Re: Ok, here's the thing, Guys. - wndrkn (Jul 29 01:10)
- Re: Ok, here's the thing, Guys. - Yann Stettler (Jul 29 05:30)
- Re: Ok, here's the thing, Guys. - (Jul 29 08:08)
- Re: Ok, here's the thing, Guys. - (Jul 29 09:12)
- Re: Ok, here's the thing, Guys. - vi (Jul 30 11:45)
- My thoughts, part 1 - mAJOR eRROR (Jul 30 14:33)