Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: QUIT YOUR WHINING!!!!!!!! (Mon May 8 01:29:03 2000 )


Oh, my god!! Little ol me, knowing about zero japanese, 
decided to work out a way to check on the japanese yahoo 
auctions. What a freaking eye opener!!!!!!!  I saw more
great cels there then I've seen in any one place before, and
usually for much better prices - and that was just the 
Sailor Moon cels!!  Those of you complaining about how the 
evil americans are stealing all the cels from the poor 
japanese can bite my butt!  Half of the auctions won't ship 
internationally, so unless someone wants to buy on 
commission for me (yeah, right!) I will NEVER have a chance at those cels, unless someone like Melissa wins them and 
sells them on her site.

I saw cels there that NEVER show up at american dealers for
under $700, if at all, and you're crying because some one
bought some and took them away from the homeland?? Gimme a 
break, and share the wealth!

(Sorry, got a little carried away there - but MAN would I 
love to get my hands on some of those cels!!! I could afford
them, too, but I live in the wrong country and speak the 
wrong language!)

Az, tripping and falling off her soapbox
BTW - I was serious about the commission! If anyone with 
contacts in Japan, or any dealers in japan that sell to the
states want to make a few guarenteed cels, just let me know!

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