Whoa! Now this could spark quite a thread... Complaining
that someone else wants a cel so much that they are willing
to spend more than you? Wow. That's gall.
I am responding to the person who was complaining about
Westerners driving up the prices on cels on Yahoo Japan and
making them too high (boo-hoo) for the Japanese collector
to compete. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but last I
checked the average American was not significantly richer
than the average Japanese person. So basically you are
simply complaining that if some Westerners are willing to pay more for cels, they are somehow doing something unfair
to people who don't think they are worth that much?
What, may I ask do you suggest as a solution?
1. They see a cel that they REALLY want and would pay $400
for, but only bid $220 so that other people will be able to
afford to outbid them?
2. They have the means and the ability to bid on Yahoo,
but they don't beacuse it is unfair to people who live in
3. The first two are so stupid that there must be a third.
Please enlighten me as to what it is...
To complain about raising cel prices on auctions is valid.
As one of the first Westerners I knew to use Yahoo, I have
noticed (sadly) that in the last few months the price of
cels (particularly Sailormoon) has jumped enormously.
However, this is the computer generation. People who
choose to sell their cels on yahoo, do it to reach the most
possible people and get the most possible money. And
clearly if it is an auction that says they will not ship
overseas then they must either live on Japan or have
someone there to buy the cels for them. So, if they have
the means, then they have the right to bid, and what else
can they do but bid the amount they are actually willing to
How selfish it sounds to say that she did not give anyone
else even a chance because she kept outbidding them. That
is how an auction works. Why should she let someone outbid
her if she is willing to pay more? There is no logic in
your complaint except for a bunch of whining.
While I do understand that you are disappointed that the
prices on Yahoo have increased, I have only this to say:
1. You should not misdirect your own disappointment at
people who have done nothing wrong and only bid what they
were willing to pay, which is how an auction works.
2. Get used to it. Every week I see more and more
Westerners on yahoo (can tell by either bidder name or
ridiculously high bid amounts). This is a trend that will probably continue and I wuold expect that within 6 months
all who want to buy there will have found a way. So expect
prices to become as high as those on ebay. Sorry.
But there's always the hope that once a few people get
seriously ripped off and find out that Yahoo will do nothing
people will reconsoder the pros and cons of yahoo. |