Cels Forum

Re: Re: New personal sailor moon cels (Sun May 7 21:09:36 2000 )

I agree with you, but the consequences are even more
dire than what you suggest.  When Melissa and every other
person who knows 10 words of Japanese, (enough to get a user
ID and MAYBE converse with the auctioneer) bids these
disgusting prices, what it does is raise the overall
prices for cels in Japan.  So when a real dealer goes over,
the prices are disgustingly high and then everyone 
complains about the high prices here in America.

But no one realizes that.  They just bid and bid and bid and
they have no clue and they are the BIGGEST complainers about
high prices.

And they all think they can just go over to Japan and the
streets are paved with cels, but then when they actually
do get over there, they find out they can only go to
AWS and get El Hazard, Muyo, Yat, and Black Jack cels.
Right Melissa???

But you see, it isn't even that, but these people who
know only enough Japanese to get a user id and bid. Which
any moron can do.  They continue to bid and drive up
all these prices and when they win the cel, guess what?
They can't converse in Japanese so the auctioneer turns
them down anyway!  But they have successfully driven the 
price up!  How many times have these people driven up
prices and not won???  Just ridiculous.


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