Cels Forum

Re: Re: Pocket Cels and Ebay (Tue Dec 28 22:30:30 1999 )

There've been several cels on eBay that came from Pocket. 
I should know - I put up my first two I got from there 
because I needed the money and didn't like Nephrite as much 
as when I had ordered them. I also recently sold my Natsumi 
cel that I got as a freebie - you certainly don't expect us 
to keep cels we don't like and didn't order, do you? (laughs)

With Pocket, though, I think the situation *is* a 
little different. It's so much trouble to even find the 
website (I got their URL when they weren't closed to the 
public and even then I had to beg several people for it) and 
order that most of us have to be  real, serious collectors to 
put up with it! ;)

I think it's a great idea to buy cels in bulk from AWS period, 
but they won't sell CCS cels that way! (Laughs) Anyone know 
why their CCS prices have gone up recently?


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