Cels Forum

Re: Pocket Cels and Ebay (Tue Dec 28 22:22:48 1999 )
tinkerbell ^_^

Yup, it's the Toys R Us comparison exactly! I was at a card 
shop buying Pokemon cards for my cousins for Xmas when I 
noticed he had one of those Pokedex things for $60 - I 
pointed out to him that they were only $20 at Toys R Us (I 
had just come from there) and he told me if I went back 
and bought them all, he'd pay me back the price and tax, 
plus pay me a certain amount over for my trouble. It would 
have been a nice profit, but I told him no, I couldn't do that. 
I was *NOT* going to be responsible for lots of little kids 
having a disappointing Xmas!

I'm afraid it is the same way with cels..I never thought of 
it like that before. It shouldn't depend on whether a person 
has gobs of money to buy something or not, someone who desperately 
wants one should have a chance to get one at a real and fair price, 

As for all the commotion over Melissa and Bonbee - you should 
really be yelling at Bonbee. Has anyone actually *READ* his 
messages under the Sailor Moon cels? He comes right out and 
says that a few of his cels are priced abnormally high, but 
American's will pay it for anyone to read. Of course, you have 
to read Japanese to read it, but for him to have the audacity to
post it right under everyone's noses...ARGH!!! 

When you look at it that way, there's not much difference from 
someone buying a cel to resell at a profit and dealers scalping to 
make a profit. It just seems more fair to us to get taken by a 
dealer, who we assume is more honorable.


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