Cels Forum

Re: Re: Pocket Cels and Ebay (Tue Dec 28 21:36:48 1999 )

I think a better comparison here is those people who go 
to toy stores like Toys R Us and buy every single one of 
a popular figure. Then they take these figures and put them 
for sale in their comic shops for double or triple the price 
they would be at Toys R Us and say "Sold Out everywhere else!"
Well, of course they're sold out, these dealers bought them!
This type of artificial price inflation is reprehensible in 
my mind. Please tell me what service is being provided by having 
a middleman force their way into the picture?
I suppose you can argue that they ensure that the cel goes 
to those who are willing to pay the most rather than those 
who happen to get there first. If that is a service, I'd 
rather be without it.

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