Cels Forum

If it looks too good to be true. . . (Thu Apr 27 06:24:12 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


. . . chances are it's not. If you did use the search
feature, you most likely ran across my posts about contact
with them regarding the Miyu cels. $1000US gets you between
10 and 20, *picked over* cels. At least they were honest
about it.

Now however, knowing which characters are and are not
popular in Japan. . . and knowing I like a couple that are
very much not in popularity there. . . I'd should be
tempted to pick up a box of Psychic Force cels from them if
they offered one. (*grin*) I don't have that kind of money
and they don't offer one, but I should be tempted. ^_-

Many Sharp Smiles,

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