Cels Forum

Re: Re: A Wacky Idea (Wed Apr 26 22:50:54 2000 )
Yann Stettler

AWS doesn't want to sell internationaly to end-users. They
only do wholesale for a minimal amount of $1000.
You can't see the cels or choose them : you can only
say what anime you want and they will send you stuff.
(as mentioned, that's low grade cels that weren't sold
in their shop)

They are not on the cels ring. But that's because they
didn't registered : the ring is open to any sites related
to cels. Nobody said that you have to sell cels to be
on the ring...

If you speak of "Keep-Track", they are on it because
there is people using it that are in Japan and can
order cels from AWS.

Yann Stettler

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