>>>Flight ticket : less than $1000
Hotel : less than $40 per night
Food : You can eat well for $30 per day.
Not from here, and even so, that's still alot. Yes other dealers pay
for airline tickets too. But they're not getting singled out here.
>>>What I can't stand is comment like yours. And that
has nothing to do with cels.
It was a reply to what I felt was bashing, it didn't come out of the blue.
Travel expenses do relate to cost of cels, and I was making a simile, a comparison.
>>>It's not me who complain on the prices : personaly
I don't give a damn ! I don't need to buy cels
Sorry, it's just you are very quick to defend the people who complain about
others prices. It hurts to get singled out.
How am I flaming by mentioning a few names
but the people who repeatedly bash on Ed are in the clear? That's what I don't like.
If I complained about some of your prices I don't think you would just sit
back, you'd feel a bit picked on maybe?
They are voicing their opinions and I'm stating mine. I didn't
start this discussion. I thought that's what a forum was for.
I didn't mean to be malicious. I do use sarcasm to stress my point,
that's just who I am but if I offed I honestly apoligize.
>>>I say : nobody force you to read that board. Much
less post on it until you learn proper behavior.
That's fine, a little bias maybe but it's your board. Feel free
to email any response, I won't be checking back I guess, I've been
banished after all.
Truely sorry