Cels Forum

Re: new cels at Noonchester's Artwork... (Wed Dec 9 18:56:15 1998 )

You know, I am really getting tired of people bashing cel
 dealers.  I think that most of Ed's prices are fine.  How many
times have you all run across this nice of shot of Chichiri
without his mask on.  How many of you all have had a chance to 
buy a nice Narsus from Arslan, or a big pic of Kiki?

I have been collecting for 3 years.  You pay more for quality shots
or rare characters.  Occassionally if you are lucky, a really
special shot will come along at a super fantasic price, but 
that is the exception, not the rule.

These people are in business, which means they need to make a 
profit to stay in business.  If they didn't, then they couldn't go back to Japan, meet 
with cel collectors, dealers, studios, artist, or go to anime shows or shops
 there and get more cels to bring back.  If you all think it is sooooo easy
 and sooooo cheap to get these kinds of cels, go over there and do it yourself.


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