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One suggestion... (Mon May 24 11:58:35 2004 )
joseishijin [View profile ]

Tell her (I'm just assuming it's a her) that 
you'll change your shipping practices when she 
learns how to write better. 


It's one thing to not have a grasp on writing if 
English is not your native language, but it's 
something else completely to write, "OMG! Yu R 
so MEEEN!!!! Yes! Yu! !!!!!!" 

Seriously, I have no respect for anyone who acts 
like a spolied two-year-old who has been denied 
a piece of candy.

They are your auctions and you've always held 
them in a responsible and polite way. You do 
what you want and ignore the little kids. They 
are probably not supposed to be bidding on eBay 
without Mom's permission, anyway. ^_~ 


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