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Re: Hey Everyone! I'm anti-social! ^-^ Suggestions? (Mon May 24 08:05:39 2004 )
Maiko [View profile ]

The most shipping I've ever paid on an Ebay item 
was $65- so really, this person doesn't have it 
so bad.

Frankly, I don't see how this person can report 
you to Ebay if the auction hasn't even ended 
yet, and if they aren't the highest winning 
bidder.  Your terms are your terms and if the 
buyer doesn't like that, they don't have to 
bid.  I've passed over items before because I've 
disliked the laid out shipping costs.  But other 
items I've wanted badly enough, I've gone ahead 
and paid it because it was worth it to me.

You've provided accurate shipping quotes for 
EMS, and you don't have to change your policies 
on shipping for one person on an auction that 
hasn't even ended yet, that they haven't even 
bid on and won yet.  Plus, I think it's wise to 
mail all packages insured, whether the buyer 
likes it or not.  I used to make insurance 
optional on my auctions, and then lo and behold, 
one time a cel got lost in the mail to a buyer 
that refused to buy insurance.  Instead of 
blaming themself for not taking me up on my 
offer and paying the extra couple dollars for 
insurance, they instead called me a filthy, 
lying thief, claimed I never mailed the cel, and 
proceeded to threaten me with lawyers and all 
sorts of craziness.

So now, I make it my policy that all packages 
will be mailed with insurance.  If bidders don't 
like that, they'll just have to bid on someone 
else's auctions.

I don't suppose I was much help, but I do 
understand where you are coming from.

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