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Hey Everyone! I'm anti-social! ^-^ Suggestions? (Mon May 24 06:02:17 2004 )
ryen [View profile ]

I had to post this & get people's responses to 
this situation.  Frankly I think I was being very 
polite considering the circumstances.  All clues 
to the "person"'s identity have been blocked.  
Let me know if I'm wrong.  Whether you think I 
should ship another way outside of the US or not, 
I welcome your opinion.  

Just a quick explanation on my part - I now have 
over 50 items on eBay.  I have a stack of EMS 
boxes & a stack of priority boxes.  I frankly 
have enough on my plate right now without running 
around to cater to one person who thinks I am 
being outrageous.  My philosophy is if you don't 
like my terms for auctions, don't bid.  ^^;;  I 
am at a loss to this person's reaction.  I don't 
charge any amount over actual postage & the final 
bid (no eBay / paypal fees, shipping or handling, 
packaging peanuts, etc.).  Therefore I do not 
think I am scamming anyone


NOT a probleme ill still get the cel just like I 
did last time !

thx ! but no thx !

EMS  IS exagerated for an item not even worth 100
$ in value !

NOT everyone WANTS insurance !

as for being insulting  NOT at all !

I dont believe you know me verry well and besides 
IF every time a buyer says
something YOU dont like and you call him her 
insulting you might as well quit
ebay,its not a good attitude to have.

as for you im filing a complaint to ebay right 
now, im sick of YOUR attitude and
blocking people cuz YOU have no socialism once or 

thx but no thx !

--- ryen  wrote: 
> Question from eBay Member: Magic Knight Rayearth
anime cel - angry pink elf Nova !(3194419177)

I am sorry, but as I told you in my last round of 
auctions when you asked about a Nova cel, EMS 
shipping or US priority mail only.  15$ EMS is 
not exaggerated, that is how much it costs.  I do 
not charge for packaging materials or ebay / 
paypal fees or anything other than the actual 
postage.  When a buyer receives the package, this 
shipping label / postage label will be the same 
price I quoted.  It is not a ripoff if it is the 
actual postage.  
Last time I was not shipping outside of the US.  
This time I am shipping overseas but only EMS.  I 
have priority mail boxes & I now have EMS boxes.  
I do not have any other kind of boxes to ship 
your cel in.  There is no way for me to safely
ship your cel.  Besides, last time you were very 
insulting & rude to me and said I was trying to 
scam you by charging for EMS postage so I blocked 
your eBay ID. 
Therefore you could not bid on this auction even 
if I went out to a store and bought a plain box 
to send your cel in.  
Thank you for your time,

----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: XXXX 
>   To: ryen@ryen.net 
>   Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 11:12 PM
>   Subject: Question from eBay Member: Magic 
Knight Rayearth anime cel - angry pink
> elf Nova ! (3194419177)
>               Question from eBay Member: Magic 
Knight Rayearth anime cel - angry
> pink elf Nova ! (3194419177)  
>               Dear ryen,
>               Hi ! IM REALLY interested in your 
Nova cel ! BUT a problem comes ! I
> have like 20 different cels of hikaru and Nova 
but before I put a bid I need to
> know your decision ! IM from canada ! I DONT 
want ems for I think its totally NOT
> necessary and I NEVER had a problem before in 
shipments of cels not eventhe ones
> from japan. I can pay for insurance but lets 
just say 15-15$ is exagerated. I can
> give good money for the cel but that all 
depends on you. BTW: if you respond {PLZ
> send yur message to XXXXX and NOT the XXXXX)ito 
one I am in japan
> right now ! thx alot ! xxxxxxxxxxx

               To view the item, go to:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/ebayISAPI.dll?

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