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Re: semi-rant: (Thu May 23 10:45:35 2002 )
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lol...  I seem to have not gotten what I was 
trying to say out ... grar...  I had just gotten 
off the plane and gotten home x.x;

What I meant was...  If you are looking for a 
certain series and cannot ready kana/kanji (like 
me) ... then you should not be haphazardly 
digging through cels to find the series you 

Seriously... this person... was digging through a 
box of cels, and all the ones that she did not 
want.. she just randomly grabbed and put in a 
messy stack.  When she was done, she threw them 
back in.  I don't know about you... but I would 
be pretty sad if that cel I saw being bent... was 
one I wanted even though the person who bent it 
did not want it.  Yes.. there were cels being 
bent because the said person would look through 
things and not even bother to straighten up the 
pile before just chunking it back into a box.  

I don't know.  Maybe that is excusable for you 
guys.  I guess I was brought up to put things 
back the way I found them and ask if I do not 
know the answer to something.  It just makes me 
mad when i see people disrespect others' 
property, but I'm not mad anymore.  I believe in 
karma in general, and people who disrespect 
others' things will get their things disrespected 
in turn.

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