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Wow...::making print outs of Drac's post:: (Wed Jun 19 17:30:28 2002 )
mouse [View profile ]

That was very insightful.  You know, I never 
thought about it before.  Im probably at high 
risk for some of this stuff to happen.  For 
one...I have no credit history, so I cant get a 
credit card.  I get aps for them all the time, 
but I never get approved...even if they're 
preapproved!  The next time I go home to my folks 
house, they said they'd cosign a credit card with 
me.  That way I can have a real card and start to 
build up some credit.  I almost never buy things 
online.  The only places I ever do that is with 
cels.  Once in awhile I will buy from Amazon or 
CDNOW, but that's it. Oh, hey Drac, which card do 
you have that lets you track all the transactions 
online?  That's spiffy!  I WAS going to sign up 
for online banking this week, but now I dont 
think I will.

Hmmm, on another note..to open a second checking 
account. Is it a lot of trouble to have funds 
transfered to it?  Like let's say you win a cel 
on Ebay and the seller only takes paypal.  And 
like me, you have no choice but to use an echeck, 
cause you have no credit card.  How long would it 
take to get 200$ transfered from your main 
account to your "e-purchases account"?  Some 
people are totally impatient, so that's why I 
ask.  I really appreciate the info though, thanks 

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