Hi all,
I have a slight dilemma and would like some
feedback on this issue. Over the last couple
months I've become pretty angry over what would
be considered some minor (and maybe major)
ethical issues I've noticed people doing. What
they've done doesn't directly impact me (that is,
it's not like I'm doing a cel deal with these
people) but I'm irritated (and for once, I'm NOT
talking about reselling!)
So, the question is, if somebody does something
that bugs you what of the following would you do?
1. just bite your tongue and get over it.
2. complain to close friends.
3. e-mail the person politely and explain why
this behavior bugs you.
4. make vague allusions on the various cel forums
and mailing lists about things that bug you "in
general" hoping that person will get the hint.
This is rather a small community and I'm very
conscious of what words can do. I've been doing
number 1 so far and yet it's not working for me.
I notice that whenever I post now on the forum
the subtext is quite hostile. What should I do to
purge this feeling without making a total ass of
myself? (and btw, anonymous flaming is not an
option at all for me).
Seethingly yours,
Wendy |