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Re: Re: So you're about to kill your scanner?? ^_^ (Show me. . .) (Tue Jul 2 15:56:07 2002 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


Whoa! O_o; That's a big difference. Hmmm. . . You 
know the first thing that I would try to do, 
would be to decrease the level of blue - and 
*maybe* tweak up the yellow just enough so it 
doesn't effect his face. (Or if you can get the 
right green by changing the yellow "too much", 
readjust for the skin tone by tweaking the red.)

If it's any consolation. . . (*grin*)  Below is 
what my scanner does to that Escaflowne cel I 
showed when it's left on it's original settings. 
It basically thinks everything other than Allen's 
hair is black. ~_~;;

Many Sharp Smiles,

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