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So you're about to kill your scanner?? ^_^ (Show me. . .) (Tue Jul 2 14:03:49 2002 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


I have found a new, extremely tough to scan, 
breed of cel. ^_^;; It seemed to take *forever* 
of tweaking the color settings one way, then 
another, before this finally scanned looking like 
the original. (The colors were just TOO DARK! o_0;
But most attempts to lighten it enough to see it 
completely washed out the color. ~_~)

In any case, I only bothered to spend the time 
since it's become one of my favorite "cheapie" 
cels. ^____^  But. . . .

Show me!!!! ^_^  Show me all the cels that were 
the *BIGGEST* buggers to scan correctly. The ones 
that had you about to give up - or drop kick your 
scanner right out the window! ^_^;;  And make 
sure to amuse us with what exactly your argument 
was with the scanner in question. ^_~  ("There's 
DARK BROWN in there! It's not ALL black, you 
stupid piece of. . ." ^_~~~~~~)

Many Sharp Smiles,

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