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Re: Do you ever feel like... (Fri Jul 12 20:17:53 2002 )
Patrick [View profile ]

Geez Rekka...well to say that I have never felt 
like this is and understatement and a lie.  I 
have felt like this numerous times.  One time 
was when I found out that the love of my life, 
the one I felt is the perfect fit for me, is 
engaged to some guy she's only known for a 
year. :(  Saddening but there are days now when 
I look back and think that with her I was able 
to do a lot, but without her I was able to do so 
much more.  I miss her a lot, and I will never 
forget the memories we shared, but I also know 
that moving on is the best answer to this.

The other time I felt like this was when I 
started moving to college from home.  College is 
in Massachusetts while home is in Texas.  Every 
night I used to just think of my friends and 
what they would do if they were in the situation 
I was in.  I almost cried every night.  I missed 
them and still miss them.  But now, I do not 
dwell on it.  I cherish the memories I had with 
them and now I keep them in my heart because I 
am a piece of every one of them.  They know 
that, and I know that.  

So here is my cel...it may not be much but hey 
it should crack a smile.  I am hugging you from 
a very far distance ^-^

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