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Actually the thing is... (Fri Jul 12 16:47:44 2002 )
rekka [View profile ]

...I'm like smitten with this Japanese guy that I 
know... but he already has a girlfriend, and yet 
he like totally flirts with me-- not like I 
really mind... but, it really confuses me... and 
then he sends this cmail, asking me how to say 
something in English; which was basically "I have 
been going out with my girlfriend for 1 year."  
haha  Should I take the hint that he's trying to 
tell me...that he is not thinking about leaving 
her.... or maybe he just doesn't know what to do 
or say to a gaijin...  I mean, his english is 
good, but he doesn't get everything that I say, 
even if I say it slowly... but then again, I 
understand less of his Japanese.  haha  Everybody 
that I've talked to so far as advised me to at 
least say something to him and see what happens.  
Even if he says no, I'm going to leave anyway and 
that's that... but what if he says yes...and I 
leave?  Then what?  ahhhh too complicated!!!  
what to do....??

Hey, your from Michigan!  Haha  me too!!  grew up 
around Port Huron, but moved over to the west 
side of the state where I live now... or will be 
returning to shortly.....

Anyway, thanks so much for all your help!!  I 
really appreciate it!!


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