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Re: Do you ever feel like... oh yes...very much. (Fri Jul 12 17:30:43 2002 )
mouse [View profile ]

I have been feeling this exact way lately, which 
is why I havent been really cheery here for 
awhile.  I have been collecting for about a year 
and a half now...and all of a sudden the joy has 
dissappeared.  When I first started, my job was 
nice and lazy, things were going sooo easy.  Now, 
Im at a new job that has recently been turned 
upside down.  Since I moved over here I've been 
busy non-stop, like I never leave the computer.  
Whenever I do leave, all I can think about is "Oh 
man, Im missing an update right now!" or "I 
really need to go back to work and finish x 
project!"  I dont have any money to go out, and I 
dont get outside anymore, which I really hate.  I 
also never have money to take trips.  I dont see 
my family but on holidays now, and I used to go 
all the time.  ;_;  I also have my dad 2 hours 
away from me and I dont even have the time or 
money to drive to see him either. 

Over the last year I have found myself generally 
unhappy with who I have become.  I find I stress 
out much more, and much easier since I've started 
collecting.  I have a muscle disorder that is 
greatly affected by stress and sleep, so it's 
been extra painful since I dont get any sleep 
(waiting for updates).  I also cant enjoy anime 
as much, because I think about "Oh, I need to go 
online and see if there's any cels!"  I 
originally only got back into the hobby for a 
couple of cels, but ended up staying.  Now that 
my job has become very unstable, it's forcing me 
to stop.  Its depressing in general, because now 
I dont buy cels, and I STILL cant spend to go out 
and have fun :(.

Anyways, it sounds like you need to take a 
vacation from all the things you know.  Try some 
new things, go to some new places around town, 
meet some people.  Perhaps even try a new, more 
active hobby, like yoga or crafts.  I have been 
wanting to try yoga for a long time!  It's very 
stress relieving.  My cel is Nuriko (duh) when 
he's giving Taka a pep talk in the OVAs.  Taka is 
feeling depressed about what to do with his life, 
and he's not sure who he really is.  Nuri is a 
good friend who's there with advice, not to 
mention a cute smile!  So, I hope things start to 
look up for you, and please never think you're 
alone with these feelings.  I've been in this 
boat many times, and am right now.  I also have 
some friends who feel this way.  I think it's 
just a down point in the world right now, after 
such a bad time last year.  Things will get 
better, stay genki!

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