This may or may not get finished since we've
repeatedly lost power here. . . So excuse typos.
I'm typing fast. ^_^;
It's a pretty obscure character I'm looking for,
so I doubt many people would have even have heard
his name except from me, much less know what he
looks like. I'm going to have to settle for
capsulizing him on a webpage with lots of screen
captures and some story. Not ideal, but do-able.
(Hmmm. . . Shidou lounging on the beach with a
margarita. That mental image reminds me of the
one Eatman doujin I have which shows Bolt dressed
up in a tutu. I never had it translated under the
assumption I DON'T want to know. ^_^;;)
I was just telling someone else in private e-mail
that actually my choice is toughest since I would
love to see what *each* person would come up
with!! *^_^* Doesn't help me choose. ^_^;;
Of course, Keeper did mention that there are a
lot of people who paint fancels but don't openly
do commissions. . . I guess, first I don't know
who a lot of them are since I traditionally
haven't paid too much attention to fancels. But
even though I could look them up in the Forum,
I'd also be too shy to ask. . . ;;;^_^;;;
However, now that this ball is rolling. . . I
should get all my screen captures up on a webpage
for references. ^_^
Many Sharp Smiles,
--Drac (arrrgh! I hate decisions! ^_^;;)